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Module org.cumulus4j.keymanager.api

API to be used by the client code for controlling a key manager (local key store or remote key-server).

As shown in the deployment scenarios, the key-store can be located in the local file system or on a remote key-server. This API provides a generic way (no matter where it is located) to access the key-store. The only thing that is different between the two scenarios is the URL of the key-manager (either "file:/some/directory" or "http[s]://some-server.domain.tld/some-path".

See the javadoc for further information.


After adding the repositories documented on the Download page to your pom.xml, you can add the following dependency in order to use this module:


The above dependency does not (and should not!) declare a version. Instead, it is recommended that you add the following to your dependency-management:


Deployment location

The module-location-matrix shows where this module needs to be deployed.

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