Cumulus4j API

Interface CryptoSession

All Known Implementing Classes:
LocalCryptoSession, RemoteCryptoSession

public interface CryptoSession

A CryptoSession is a session in which key transfers can be performed.

Use KeyManagerAPI.getCryptoSession(String) to get a CryptoSession instance. This instance is a proxy which can be kept and never expires (though the underlying real session will expire if not used for some time). If the underlying real session expired, a new underlying session with a new cryptoSessionID will be created and bound to this CryptoSession instance.

CryptoSessions are thread-safe.

Marco หงุ่ยตระกูล-Schulze - marco at nightlabs dot de

Method Summary
 String acquire()
           Acquire an unlocked underlying real session.
 String getAppServerBaseURL()
          Get the base-url of the app-server-key-manager-channel.
 String getAppServerID()
          Get the identifier of the application server.
 void release()
           Release the session, after it was previously acquired.

Method Detail


String getAppServerID()
Get the identifier of the application server. This denotes a logical application server, which can be composed of many physical machines (in a cluster/cloud).

the application server's ID; never null.


String getAppServerBaseURL()
Get the base-url of the app-server-key-manager-channel. This is the part of the URL before the "/KeyManagerChannel" - e.g. if the REST URL of the KeyManagerChannel-service is "", then this must be "".

the base-URL before the "/KeyManagerChannel".


String acquire()
               throws AuthenticationException,

Acquire an unlocked underlying real session.

The application server is only able to request keys from the key manager, while a crypto-session is acquired. It thus needs to be acquired, first, before it can be used for key transfers.

Important: It is essential that you call release() once for every time you called acquire(). You should therefore use a try-finally-block like this:

 String cryptoSessionID = session.acquire();
 try {

        // Do some operation that requires key access. For example
        // call an EJB method or perform a SOAP/REST request which
        // will make your app server read/write data.

 } finally {

If multiple threads use the same CryptoSession (recommended!), the underlying real session will be acquired (unlocked) when the first thread requires it and it will be locked again when the last thread calls release(). However, releasing (locking) does not need to happen immediately. Instead it can be deferred a few seconds, in case a new acquire() would happen quickly again. This strategy is usually used with a remote key server (when latency makes acquiring/releasing a pretty expensive operation).

the cryptoSessionID to be used within the acquire-release-block for key-management. This ID must be passed to your application server in order to allow it perform database operations.
AuthenticationException - if the authentication fails. This might happen for example, when a session was created and then the password was modified by another instance of KeyManagerAPI. Calling KeyManagerAPI.putUser(String, char[]) automatically updates the authentication information of the current KeyManagerAPI if the current user's password was changed. But if the password is changed by another instance, this instance is locked out due to its outdated password.
IOException - if communication with the key-store failed. This might be a socket error between client and remote key server or it might be a problem when reading/writing data in the local file system.
See Also:


void release()
             throws AuthenticationException,

Release the session, after it was previously acquired.

For every call to acquire(), there must be exactly one call to release(). You should therefore use a try-finally-block!

See acquire() for further details.

AuthenticationException - if the authentication fails. This might happen for example, when a session was created and then the password was modified by another instance of KeyManagerAPI. Calling KeyManagerAPI.putUser(String, char[]) automatically updates the authentication information of the current KeyManagerAPI if the current user's password was changed. But if the password is changed by another instance, this instance is locked out due to its outdated password.
IOException - if communication with the key-store failed. This might be a socket error between client and remote key server or it might be a problem when reading/writing data in the local file system.
See Also:

Cumulus4j API

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