Cumulus4j API
Interface MethodEvaluator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMethodEvaluator, CollectionContainsEvaluator, CollectionIsEmptyEvaluator, CollectionSizeEvaluator, DateGetDayEvaluator, DateGetHourEvaluator, DateGetMinuteEvaluator, DateGetMonthEvaluator, DateGetSecondEvaluator, DateGetYearEvaluator, MapContainsKeyEvaluator, MapContainsValueEvaluator, MapIsEmptyEvaluator, MapSizeEvaluator, StringEndsWithEvaluator, StringEqualsEvaluator, StringEqualsIgnoreCaseEvaluator, StringIndexOfEvaluator, StringLengthEvaluator, StringMatchesEvaluator, StringStartsWithEvaluator, StringSubstringEvaluator, StringToLowerCaseEvaluator, StringToUpperCaseEvaluator

public interface MethodEvaluator

Interface for the evaluator for a method.

Method Summary
 Set<Long> evaluate(QueryEvaluator queryEval, InvokeExpressionEvaluator invokeExprEval, Expression invokedExpr, ResultDescriptor resultDesc)
          Method to evaluate the provided method invocation invoking on a PrimaryExpression.
 boolean requiresComparisonArgument()
          Whether this evaluator requires a comparison argument to perform its evaluation.
 void setCompareToArgument(Object obj)
          Method to set any argument to be compared with (when evaluating method invocation and comparison).

Method Detail


Set<Long> evaluate(QueryEvaluator queryEval,
                   InvokeExpressionEvaluator invokeExprEval,
                   Expression invokedExpr,
                   ResultDescriptor resultDesc)
Method to evaluate the provided method invocation invoking on a PrimaryExpression.

queryEval - Query evaluator
invokeExprEval - Evaluator for the InvokeExpression that this is processing
invokedExpr - Expression on which we are invoking the method
resultDesc - Result descriptor
those dataEntryIDs that match the query criteria for the specified resultSymbol or null, if the symbol is not supported


boolean requiresComparisonArgument()
Whether this evaluator requires a comparison argument to perform its evaluation.

True if needing the comparison argument


void setCompareToArgument(Object obj)
Method to set any argument to be compared with (when evaluating method invocation and comparison). Should be set prior to call of evaluate(...).

obj - The compared argument

Cumulus4j API

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