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Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

org.cumulus4j.annotationCumulus4j annotations.
org.cumulus4j.cryptoAPI providing a unified way to use various cryptography algorithms.
org.cumulus4j.integrationtest.gwtGWT application providing a dummy-service that uses DataNucleus+Cumulus4j for persisting dummy-data. It integrates the keyserver-backend in order to test the whole system. The tests in this project use a client-sided embedded key manager and local key store (in the local file system). Connection to the application server is achieved via "normal" GWT services. Connection to the keyserver is implemented using JavaScript's jQuery library wrapped by JSNI.
org.cumulus4j.integrationtest.webappWeb-app providing a dummy-service that uses DataNucleus+Cumulus4j for persisting dummy-data. It integrates the keyserver-backend in order to test the whole system. The tests in this project use a client-sided embedded key manager and local key store (in the local file system).
org.cumulus4j.integrationtest.withkeyserverWeb-app providing a key server that extends the deployment scenario tested by org.cumulus4j.integrationtest.webapp. It integrates an app server, a client and a separate key server in order to test the whole system. The tests in this project use a key manager running inside the key server as opposed to the tests in org.cumulus4j.integrationtest.webapp.
org.cumulus4j.keymanagerKey manager sending keys to the app-server (when requested and allowed).
org.cumulus4j.keymanager.apiAPI for accessing the key manager.
org.cumulus4j.keymanager.back.sharedShared classes to communicate between key-manager (either embedded in app-client or in key-server) and app-server.
org.cumulus4j.keymanager.back.webappWeb-app running on the app-server to allow communication between key-manager and app-server.
org.cumulus4j.keymanager.cliCommand line interface for the key-store. It uses the key-manager-API and can thus work with both, key-stores in the local file system as well as remote key-servers.
org.cumulus4j.keymanager.front.sharedShared classes to communicate between app-client and key-server.
org.cumulus4j.keymanager.front.webappThe key-server-web-app.
org.cumulus4j.keystoreKey store managing keys safely in the local file system.
./org.cumulus4j.parent/index.htmlCumulus4j parent POM, i.e. the root-configuration from which all other POMs inherit common settings.
org.cumulus4j.storeDataNucleus-store-plugin providing Cumulus4j encrypted data storage.
org.cumulus4j.store.crypto.keymanagerImplementation of CryptoManager working with a key-manager as shown in 'Deployment scenarios'.
org.cumulus4j.store.testTests for org.cumulus4j.store testing persist- and query-functionality without key management. The tests in this project use the JDO API.
org.cumulus4j.store.test.jpaTests for org.cumulus4j.store testing persist- and query-functionality without key management. The tests in this project use the JPA API.
Project Documentation